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Jolt of Joy

Explore Nature’s Beauty with Boodlz

By November 8, 20203 Comments
Explore Nature’s Beauty with Boodlz - Joyblz Artichoke Flower
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Pinterest Explore Natures Beauty with Boodlz
Joyblz! Jolt-of-Joy

Welcome to our “Jolt of Joy’ newsletter. Last week, you met Boodlz and she shared ways to enJOY this moment. We hope that you did some fun activities to be more present. This week, in addition to announcing the winner of the Joyblz! coloring contest, we are going to use mindfulness techniques to connect with nature. So, let’s explore nature’s beauty with Boodlz!

I got a head start and walked around my neighborhood, bringing my awareness to the many sights, sounds, and smells. Spending time outside in nature was very peaceful and relaxing. I was in awe of the spiny, neon violet looking puffball, pictured above, that caught my eye. When I gazed down, it looked like a brand-new Koosh ball or some type of sea anemone. I couldn’t resist running my hands across it. Would you like to know what this is, view the winning entry, and explore mindful ways to enJOY nature?

What is it?

The photo above is actually the blooming flower of an artichoke! When left unpicked, the edible buds open with spectacular, iridescent lavender blooms. I grew up eating Italian stuffed artichokes that my grandmother used to make and never knew that they had such stunning flowers. As I studied this little wonder of nature by seeing, smelling, and touching it, and giving it my full attention, all of my worries just faded away. It showed me how the power of nature can bring you into the present moment. Here’s a 2-day time-lapse video showing an artichoke blooming.

Explore Nature’s Beauty with Boodlz

Connecting with nature gives you a chance to slow down and observe. Here’s a fun mindfulness exercise that Boodlz recommends you try.

Go to a favorite outdoor location where you can immerse yourself in nature. It may be a hiking trail, the beach, a forest, a mountaintop, or even your neighborhood. Become mindful by using your all of your senses — sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch — to bring awareness to your body and surroundings. Notice the abundance of color, scents and sounds: the green trees, the sound of the birds or wind, the smell of salt air, soil or plants. If your mind starts to wander, bring your attention back to your sensations. EnJOY this moment and feel the scenery around you as it is. Deepening your connection with nature helps you to be more present.

Just feel the magic in the air and the power in the breeze,
Feel the energy of the plants, the bushes and the trees,
Let yourself be surrounded by nature at its best,
Calm yourself, focus and let magic do the rest.


Coloring Contest Winner

We are pleased to announce that Christy B. has won the coloring contest! Thank you to everyone that participated. All of the entries were amazing. Here is the winning Joyblz! owl that I’ve named Hootlz! Don’t you just love her fluorescent colors?

Joyblz! Coloring Contest Winner Nov 2020
Image colored by Christy B.

Here’s your joy-full activity for the week

Joyblz Boodlz 0030 rgb

Be like Boodlz and explore nature by seeing and feeling its beauty. Why not unplug from the digital world and go for a mindful walk?

Boodlz and I would love to hear about how you spent some time in nature. Please leave your comments and joy-full responses below.

Joyblz! Joyanne Signature

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  • Avatar for Cindy Clark Cindy Clark says:

    I love the colored image by Christie B

  • Avatar for Cindy Clark Cindy Clark says:

    Very cool Joanne you are such a great writer…..your aliveness comes out in your words. Thanks for sharing about the meditation too. I love sitting in silence its such a comfortable feeling in my body…I can actually feel stillness and quiet in my body.

  • Avatar for Carol O Carol O says:

    Oh my gosh, that artichoke flower was amazing! I had no idea they were so beautiful. Thanks Boodlz!