Welcome to our “Jolt of Joy” newsletter. Last week, we featured the benefits of coloring with Artistlz and held a coloring contest. Thank you to everyone that has participated, and for those who haven’t yet, you still have another week! The Joyblz! character named Boodlz is now in the spotlight and will be featured all this month. You’ll learn more about her and her gifts. This week, she’s excited to share ways to be more present (mindful) in your daily life. So, let’s learn how to enJOY this moment with Boodlz!
We all know that we should slow down and enJOY life more. I grew up hearing these words: “Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think, Enjoy yourself, while you’re still in the pink, The years go by, as quickly as a wink, Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself, it’s later thank you think.” It’s the refrain from Guy Lombardo’s version of the popular song, Enjoy Yourself (It’s Later Than You Think), that my mother and grandmother would sing to me all the time. I still can hear their voices when I read the lyrics and it makes me smile! It’s a great reminder to live every day and appreciate the present moment.
I was inspired to draw a beautiful flower that is shown in the image above. The inner petals of my flower show the activities that help me enJOY this moment, and the outer petals convey words that remind me how to be more mindful. Continue reading to learn more about Boodlz and how you can enJOY this moment…
Introducing Boodlz
It’s time to meet Boodlz! She’s excited to share her gifts with you.
Name: Boodlz –The Mindfulness Guru.
Special Gift: Living in the moment.
Purpose: Enjoy this moment and embrace each day; be mindful and start right away!
Boodlz loves to meditate, spend time in nature, and practice gratitude. She truly embodies living in the moment and wants to help others learn how to be more mindfully present. She reminds me of Buddha (hence her name), but spelled the Joyblz! way.
When I look at Boodlz she appears to be meditating and floating in the air, with her eyes in a soft gaze, practicing mindfulness. I wonder what she is focusing on in this moment?
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the act of being fully in the present moment. Your mind is not in the past nor is it in the future. It is right here, right now.
It reminds me of a quote that I read many years ago and was featured in Bill Keane’s comic strip, Family Circus. He has Dolly sharing this bit of wisdom with her little brother P.J. “Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a GIFT. That’s why it’s called the present.”
Here’s another quote that summarizes the power of being in the present moment:
Ways to EnJOY this Moment with Boodlz
Here are some ways that Boodlz and I use to be mindfully present. These are some of the activities that I highlighted in my flower drawing.
- Smile: See the beauty in what is happening right now in this moment.
- Spend time in nature: Taking advantage of the natural beauty around you is another good way to cultivate greater mindfulness. It helps give you a sense of ease and wonder.
- Take a mindful walk (I do this with my dog): Be intentional with your awareness; notice your feet hitting the ground with each step, see everything there is to see around you, and open your ears to all the sounds surrounding you.
- Write in your journal: Early in the morning, before you start checking things off your long to-do list, take a few minutes to pull out your journal or a notebook and make an entry as to whatever is on your mind.
- Stop and smell the roses: It may be an old cliché, but it’s good advice. Slow down and appreciate the good things in life.
- Paint, draw, or doodle: These activities take full focus and get other things out of your mind. Doodling, for me, is just like a meditation where my mind roams free and I get into a state of flow.
- Listen to or play music: Listening to or playing music are powerful mindfulness habits that can reduce stress and elevate your mood.
Here’s your joy-full activity for the week
Be like Boodlz and enJOY this moment! What can you do right now to be mindful and more aware of yourself and your surroundings?
Boodlz and I would love to hear about how you lived in the moment this week. Please leave your comments and joy-full responses below.
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yeah JJ you are a terrific writer. I enjoy your cards each day and Pulling them for friends as well….I love your colors! You take the cake JJ
During COVID-19 our minds wander to imagining the outdoors. You have refreshed my thirst for our upcoming yearly adventure to Cabo San Lucas where I spend 3 weeks soaking up nature of the beach, mountains and desert.
Thanks for sharing this information with us.
When I did a legacy interview with my dad when he was 86, my last question was ‘dad, at this stage of your life, what would you tell people about what’s important and how to live a good life.’ Dad responded, ‘I was in the army with a guy and he wrote a song called Enjoy Yourself, It’s Later Than You Think. That’s what I’ve tell people.’ This post reminded me of that sweet interview with dad. Plus I’m counting on Boodlz because after I sign off here, I’m shopping for health insurance! Thanks for the jolt.
Joanne, you are the BLESSINGblz to the world. I LOVE the good energy you are putting out into the world. I am excited about working together this month to spread love and joy in the month of Thanksgiving! -Marsha
Keep on keeping on, spreading Joyblz.