Welcome to our third “Jolt of Joy” newsletter! Last week, Bubblz engaged you in the activity of spreading SMILES. We hope that you smiled at others and received some smiles back! This week, we have another joy-full activity for you to do with us. Cheer yourself on like Bubblz. You can be your own cheerleader!
One of my favorite picture books from childhood is “The Little Engine that Could.” I always asked my parents to read me that book every night before bed. I loved that story because it had such a positive message. It is about CAN! Not just “I think I can.” But I CAN!
If you don’t know the story, it’s about a train that breaks down before it can cross a mountain to deliver toys and gifts to boys and girls. After many engines were asked to pull the stranded train over the mountain, the Little Blue Engine is the only one who offers to help. Even though this Little Blue Engine has never been over the mountain, she agrees to pull the larger train … a seemingly impossible task. She succeeds while repeating her motto: ‘I think I can— I think I can—I think I can—I think I can.’
The Power of Positive Thinking
This story teaches us how the power of positive thinking, reinforced with positive self-talk, can lead to a “can do” attitude! If you think you can do it, then you can. However, we get so used to being our worst critic that we forget how to be supportive and kind to ourselves. One of the important parts of being your own cheerleader is simply being kind to yourself.
Often, we are more understanding and encouraging to others than we are to ourselves. We say uplifting words when our friends are feeling down but have nothing but harsh critiques for our own issues. Every time you catch yourself saying something negative, silence your inner critic and replace that negative self-talk with something positive. Lift yourself up by responding with something like: ‘Thanks, I hear and acknowledge you, but I don’t believe you; I am good enough and I can do this.’ It’s so important to remember that you deserve praise and compassion, too.
Cheer Yourself On like Bubblz

Bubblz cheers on others, but she also cheers on herself. Being your own cheerleader is not about bragging or being better than anyone else. It’s about honoring, appreciating, and loving yourself. Is it just me or do you find yourself avoiding talking about your accomplishments – and further, celebrating them? I think it’s time we worry less about what others think and become our own cheerleaders! I have learned to stay positive because I have become my own cheerleader.
Here are some suggestions of things you can do to cheer yourself on and encourage yourself:
- Say positive affirmations to yourself daily- such as: ‘I can do this! I am good enough! I am amazing and unstoppable!’
- Write down things you appreciate about yourself on a regular basis.
- Place inspirational and encouraging sayings around your office and home. I have colorful, positive sticky notes everywhere.
- Focus on the good and avoid negativity.
- Practice self-care.
- Celebrate your accomplishments, both big and small, and pat yourself on the back regularly (you deserve it)!
The power of positive thinking is the ability to generate a feeling of certainty in yourself when nothing in the environment supports you.
Tony Robbins
Here’s your joy-full activity for the week
Be like Bubblz and cheer yourself on! Pick up the pom-poms, and say the following cheer:
“Give me a ‘Y’, Give me an ‘O’, Give me a ‘U’. What does this spell? … ‘YOU’!”
Celebrate “YOU!” Cheer yourself on the way you would cheer on others. Use positive thinking and self-talk and be like “The Little Engine that Could.” We need to channel our inner two-year-old and celebrate all the amazing things we do every day!
P.S. Here’s a popular video of a little girl who has become her own greatest cheerleader.
Bubblz and I would love to hear about how you cheered yourself on this week. Please leave your comments and joy-full responses below.

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Very cute photo Joanne… I love the bobbles on your head which are so Joyful and Colorful. You are amazing! Thank you, as I continue to enjoy drawing my cards each day….I really do.
Hi! Are we having fun yet? I love drawing cards each day. Sometimes I cheat and keep picking more cards because it is SO fun.
Thanks Joyanne!!!! My favorite childhood book too! I loved repeating I think I can, I think I can and it’s been a LOT of years since I’ve given this beloved book a thought! Thanks you for the brilliant reminder!!! HUGS!!!
Such a wonderful reminder that can’t be reinforced enough! I’m not sure where this quote came from but my friend said it to me when she was in rabbinic school ‘If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? If not now, when?’ I think Bubblz would like that quote! Gotta go pick up my pom poms and cheer ‘yeah me!’ Thanks for always uplifting me.
Thank you so much, Carol, for sharing your friend’s quote! I am certain that Bubblz would love that quote! YES, get your pom-poms and start cheering for yourself! You are amazing!!